Monday, September 26, 2011

Presiding Officer

Ryan Harris
rharris [at] 

The Presiding Officer shall preside over all business meetings of The F-Stop Society and over all council meetings; be a liaison between adviser and society members; be a liaison and active representative in the School of Art & Art History as well as the Visual Art Student Association (VASA); shall appoint, after consultation with The Society’s adviser(s) the chairperson and members of all committees. The Presiding Officer shall also work with The Society adviser(s) to ensure the organization follows its bylaws and the governing rules and regulations of the University of Oklahoma, the City of Norman, and the state of Oklahoma in all instances. (Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4-A)

1st Officer

Kathryn Smith
kathryn.a.smith-1 [at]

  The 1st Officer shall assume all responsibilities in the absence of the Presiding Officer; shall oversee and coordinate organization with The Society adviser, all events unless committee designated with the help of the adviser. (Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4-C)

Officer of Finance

Kristen Blair
kristenblair [at]

The Officer of Finance shall collect and keep accurate record of member dues; shall be present in any event in which there is monetary exchange and keep sufficient and acceptable records of such exchanges; shall work The Society adviser(s) to reconcile bank statements once a month and be responsible for all financial reports for The Society and the council members. In the event The Society should request a budget for any future event, the Officer of Finance will work with The Society adviser to produce a reasonable budget no sooner than one (1) week from the official request.
  •  Should a designated committee make a request for organization funding, that committee is charged with created a budget that will be presented to The Officer of Finance and The Society adviser(s) for approval. Money will be granted when the budget has been approved.
(Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4-D)

    Officer of Records

    Tyson N. Manning, Photography Major
    tyson.n.manning [at]

     The Officer of Records shall maintain minutes of every business and council meeting, making them publicly available within seven days of each meeting; shall document every election; shall be responsible for all correspondence of The Society unless it regards any media outlet; shall make available “intent-to-run” applications during the Spring semester and shall be responsible for the collection of said applications; shall issue notices of all regular meetings and irregular meetings; shall notify all council members if a council meeting has been called to order; shall keep record of all active members’, their current address, email address, telephone number, and web address (if applicable.) (Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4-E)

    Officer of Public Relations

    Sarah Pippenger, photography intentions 
    pippi [at] 

     The Officer of Public Relations shall act as The Society liaison for all media outlets; shall create flyers, etc. of all events and activities as planned by The Society; shall create and maintain website for the organization as so members can access up-to-date information regarding The Society; shall be responsible for creating Press Releases for any member who makes accomplishment through art achievement. (Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4-F)

    Officer of Student Relations

    Kathryn Sline, photography major
    ksline [at]

    The Officer of Student Relations shall oversee student involvement and participation. It is his/her responsibility to make sure all members are actively involved, including freshmen, and that all students are integrating into the club. If any student feels unsatisfied, for whatever reason, they are encouraged to seek out the Officer of Student Relations where he or she will respectfully seek out to help the student and assist in such situations. It is the responsibility of this office to ensure freshmen students are actively involving themselves in leadership roles and group functions. And that upper-classmen are striving towards mentoring lower-classmen.  (Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4-G)

    Society Advisers for 2011-2012

    Cathleen Faubert, Instructor in Photography
    faubert [at]

    Elizabeth Rodda, Assistant Profession in Video/Film
    lizrodda [at]